Pana Club

Pana Club is a three–click rental, a space for recreation and living surrounded by friends, family, colleagues and experiences.Artfully designed accommodation with affordable luxury and a personal trip manager.

Point the camera
the app

Pana Application is a platform for renting housing and experiences surrounded by loved ones.

In the application "Pana" you will easily find suitable accommodation and will be able to get acquainted with various options for memorable experiences.

How does it work?


Create your account, it takes less than 2 minutes

Choosing a place

Choose the option that suits you from the convenient search

Date Selection

Set the dates of your stay that are suitable for you


Make a payment through our service and enjoy the ride!

Make it easier for yourself to find a place to live with our app!

Go on vacation or business trips without unnecessary nerves and waste of time

Download the app

Do you have an apartment that you want to rent out?

With the “Pana B2B” platform, it has become much more convenient! Register and get all the features of the platform

Start registration

Pana B2B – a platform for managing rental housing and experiences

With this platform, each property in the partner network is effectively managed on the Pana operating system, which provides advanced advantages thanks to complex functionality, including accelerated guest registration, pricing control, sales channel analytics, as well as the ability to connect services and inventory management.

Объем мирового рынка гостиничного бизнеса оценивается

за 2022 год:
601,1 млрд у.е.
Прогноз на 2030 год:
2,2 трлн у.е.

A model for generating offers on the platform

Support and consultation of construction and purchases of boutique hotels, apartment hotels, eco-houses, camping centers, villas, apartments

Partner contracts for the management of real estate of all types suitable for living with a fixed payment or with equity participation on the profit from renting

Registration of property owners of all types suitable for living according to the pricing and registration conditions of the platform
